Chapbooks and Uncollected Poems

Apocalypse Love

Apocalypse Love, above, has no ISBN, and I self-published it by photocopying it at Kinko's in The Annex in an edition of 25 hand-numbered and hand-sewn copies. Each copy has a unique Japanese paper flyleaf that I got from a remainders bin at The Japanese Paper Place. I'd actually kind of love to hear from anyone who still has one! Where did they go?


rob mclennan at above/ground press published FLAME, and I recently cleaned him out of most of the remaining copies, so contact me if you want one! He also published a broadside from the chapbook, "I was not in love, so I was free."

above/ground broadside of "I was not in love, so I was free"

I later printed my own limited-edition letterpress broadside of an excerpt from the poem "This is the Day," which is also in the FLAME chapbook.

Online Uncollected Poems

Not Online, but On Ice

"Delete If Not Allowed" appeared in a Winnipeg poetry project ("Be Here Winnipeg") where poems were frozen in blocks of ice.

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